What if I Give Back All the Research the Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds Choices And Consequences Guide
The Outer Worlds has tons of options and choices for you to pick. Check out this The Outer Worlds choices and consequences guide to figure out which path is best for you. Or use it to find out which quest rewards are best.

Ultimately, the choices you make in The Outer Worlds are down to you. It's not a game or right or wrong choices, although some may test your moral compass. However, we have included information on the choices available in the game. Be cautious however, as some choices may have consequences much later in the game. It's always a good idea to save first.

Not every choice matters, I've listed the first few to give you kind of an idea of how it works. Important choices in main missions, side quests, and other conversations will be listed.

These first ones aren't that important, but it is still good for you to get used to how these work.

Guard Pelham Choices

Guard Pelham will present you with your first choices.

Patch him up
He will thank you for your help and you will gain 15 exp. You will also get his saber after he gives you his gun.

What happened to you?
All paths lead to the gun choice.

Spacers what?
All paths lead to the gun choice.

When you get to the gun choice.
He will hand you his gun, some ammo, and 15 exp. If you patched him up he will give you his saber as well.

He will hand you his pistol and you will get 15 exp.

You will get 15 exp and his pistol. He will also agree with you for calling him an idiot.

Lieutenant Mercer Choices Pt 1

Its just a landing violation
She will say no way and then give an excuse as to why she hasn't taken the ship yet.

I found one of your teammates in a cave
She will ask how he is. If you tell her you helped him she will have to report it in Edgewater. If you don't mention that you help him it won't be an issue.

Ive dealt with a few marauders

When you can lie, persuade. or intimidate her.

15 exp and she will attack with you.

15 exp and she will attack with you.

15 exp and she will attack the marauders with you.

I will handle it
You have to fight the marauders yourself. You will get more EXP because you get the kills this way though.

I will do it myself
You have to fight the marauders yourself. You will get more EXP because you get the kills this way though.

You can also kill them for a light assault rifle, but you lose rep with the Spacer's Choice.

Ada Choices Pt 1

All these choices lead to the same outcome, you becoming Captain Hawthorne. You can lie to her for bonus exp and use engineering to get a little bit as well. If the lie triggers anything later in the game I will update this part.

Lieutenant Mercer Choices Pt 2

She will ask you if this is your ship or not.

I don't have a job
She will waive your fee since you helped out with the Marauders and direct you to Edgewater.

She will apologize and tell you her manager is Constable Reyes in Edgewater.

You attack the two and have to kill them. You will get their weapons, including an assault rifle, but lose rep with the Spacer's Choice faction.

Silas Choices

You can Lie about who you are to Silas, but he still asks for your help with a side quest. You will gain bonus EXP for doing so though.

Comes Now The Power Choice

You have a hard choice to make here. When speaking to Adelaide McDevitt, she will tell you to divert power away from the town and to her camp. You need to pick which one you want to give the power to.

Redirect Power To Edgewater
If you redirect power to Edgewater, then you will have to go to the lab and speak with Adelaide. She will not go to Edgewater unless you take care of Reed. We'll get to that choice in a moment, for now you need to convince the others. Thomas is easy enough to convince, tell him to start over and be an engineer. He will also give you a quest to collect some engineering data pads for him. If you intend to talk Reed into leaving, tell him to wait to go to Edgewater until then. Same thing goes for Grace. If you kill Adelaide then your rep with the Deserters will drop dramatically. If you bring all the workers back to Edgewater, minus Adelaide, you will get a reputation with the Spacers.

Redirect Power To Botanical Lab
The lab will get the power and you will return to Reed. He will stop and ask you why you did it, the answer doesn't matter. He will tell you to turn around and leave or his guards will stop you. If you have 30 Intimidation you can talk your way out of it, but you lose combat exp and loot. This choice also results in you losing rep with the Spacer's Choice faction. If you kill the soldiers you still lose rep, but you get Reed's Keycard. You can use it in Reeds Office to get a great armor mod that gives you +5 to Dialog Skills and +10 to Leadership Skills. This will make you fail any quests you have left in Edgewater.

If you want to talk Reed into leaving. Either option below will raise your reputation with the Deserters.
Talking Reed Into Leaving
If you want to talk Reed into leaving, you will have to tell him that Adelaide's people don't have the plague. From there you will need 10 persuasion to tell him about Adelaide's crops. If you tell him that she is using bodies as fertilizer, he will say that is genius. From there he will agree that she is the best one for the town and he will stand down. You can also use 20 in the Lie skill to convince him to leave as well. Adelaide will reward you with her watch, which sells for 1750.

Killing Reed
If you choose to kill Reed, Parvati will question if she should be with you. You will need either 10 inspiration or 10 lie to get her to stay. You do get Reed's Keycard and access to his room though. Inside you can find a great armor mod that gives you +5 to Dialog Skills and +10 to Leadership Skills. Killing Reed will lower your reputation with the Spacer's Choice guys considerably. Adelaide will reward you with her watch, which sells for 1750.

Passage To Anywhere

First person you will encounter is a guard. You can lie about who you are or tell the truth, either way the ship is impounded. You will need to speak with Udom Bedford and Gladys.

Speaking To Gladys
Ask Gladys about the Navkey and she will ask you for a favor, or paying 10k bits. She will give you a side quest and send you on your way.

Speaking With Udom
There are a couple choices here to get your ship back.

Alex Is Dead
He will be sad that his friend is dead. Follow it the conversation though and he will say you are free to go. He will then ask you about Phineas Welles.

Forget Alex
The first part of this conversation is the same for the first two choices. Ask him about your ship and he will clear the flag from your ship. He will then ask you about Phineas Wells.

I'm going to wring your scrawny neck
He will say that it is a misunderstanding. Keep talking until you can bring up your ship and the flag will be removed. You will then have to talk about Phineas Wells.

Alex isn't important
He will free your ship and tell you to go bring in Phineas. Before you can leave though, he tells you he can't sign it because he pawned his Board Seal. Your main quest will be to get the seal back.

When talking about Phineas Wells.
I know where to find Phineas Wells
Udom will be happy and mention this will improve his career. He then says he will be sending you to his superiors in another area. Before he can do that though he needs you to get his Board Seal back from Gladys.

Alex never mentioned Phineas Wells
Udom will be sad and mention that The Board will have his head. From there you can either tell him about Wells or leave.

Radio Free Monarch Choices

When speaking with Graham about leaving Devil's Peak. You can either help Graham and his squad out and they will abandon the radio tower, or kill them. If you agree to help you will get faction quest called The Commuter. If you handle The Commuter and Pay For The Printer side quests they will stop their radio transmissions. There are some choices in those quests which we listed below.

If you kill, them you lose rep with the Iconoclasts and have to kill them off.

Sanjir Missions
You also have to do a couple of missions for Sanjir and get him to shut down his radio signal as well.

When both signals are down, return to Hiram and tell him. Tell him you want the data and a couple of choices will pop up.

Does it matter?
He will say it doesn't matter, he was just curious.

I helped both the MSI and Iconoclasts
He will say he isn't sure how you did it, but good job. From there you need to jump start the radio tower.

You're an info broker, it'll cost you
He says he has a bigger debt to settle. Then you have to go up and fix the tower.

This will lead to another side quest with a large choice called Candid's Cradle.

The Demolished Woman

When you get to Byzantium, you will get a quest to kill a woman named Rachel. If you talk to her instead of killing her, you will get some choices.

Got something in mind?
He will say he really needs this kill and offer you a split, he takes the kill, you take the maps. If you offer to take the kill and give him the maps, he says no and goes back to the other options.

Give him the kill – He kills her and you can return for half the bits (650).

I'd like to hear what she has to say – If you follow it through, she will offer to pay you both double the bits to let her live. You will need 65 persuade to Sherman to accept the offer. If you can't persuade him, you will have to kill Sherman if you want to deal. You can intimidate 25 Rachel after for Sherman's cut as well (2500 bits). Sophie will be upset, but you got her maps still.

The kill's mine – You will have to kill Sherman and Rachel. Rachel has 2000 bits on her corpse, grab those before leaving. You will be awarded with Board Rep and 2500 more bits from Sophie for this choice.

She's my kill
He will say he really needs this kill and offer you a split, he takes the kill, you take the maps. Same options as above.

I changed my mind
If you let her go, you will have to kill Sherman. You can intimidate Rachel for 2500 bits or just let her go. If you return to Sophie, she will give you 825 bits for complete the quest. She is disappointed that you let her let, but gives you the next mission regardless.

The City And The Stars

This quest is to meet up with a woman on the Byzantium docks. She will tell you to speak with a minister in town. Before you do that, you can speak to his guards to help you get inside. You can booze the guard up with Vodka and you will unlock a couple of choices.

Persuade 40
You will convince him to drink another and he will go pass out. When he passes out you can take the key from his body. You can use that key to get into the back door of the minister's house.

Medical 40
You will convince him to drink another and he will go pass out. When he passes out you can take the key from his body.

If you say so
You will be pushed back to the other choices.

When you get into Chairman Rockwell's office, you will have a choice to send his message to earth.

Send message to earth
You will complete the side quest The Lying Earth and lose rep with The Board. For what it is worth, I got 28k exp for sending the message.

Don't send the message
You don't complete the quest, but you also don't lose rep.

When you get down to the lab you will have to make a choice about the Dimethyl Sulfoxide

All of the people in the tubes will die if you do this. Phineas will say that is enough chemicals to get started on the colonists. At the end of the quest you will lose board reputation for this. If you choose to help Phineas in the end, he can revive 100% of the colonists in the post game. You also get an additional choice when speaking with Sophia near the end of the game.

If you take this one, the people in the tubes remain in stasis. Phineas will say that this is not enough to revive all the settlers. You still lose rep with The Board. If you choose to help Phineas in the end, he can revive 50% of the colonists in the post game.

Long Distance Choices

This is a big choice. The Board will want you to place a tracking signal on Phineas ship.

Place Tracking Signal
If you put the tracking signal on Phineas' ship, you will lose any negative rep you have earned for The Board. Sophie will then ask you to visit her in Byzantine to speak about the future of the colony. She will then give you another mission and a reward for your efforts. You will earn 3125 bits and you can buy Board equipment from Percival. He has nearly every weapon for sale and corrosion mags.

Tell Phineas About Tracker
He wants you to place it still, just a corrupted version of it. You will complete the mission, and lose rep with The Board, and later Phineas will have time to prepare for the Board. Sophia will still ask to see you afterwards. You will still be able to buy equipment from Percival and get paid 3125 bits if you do this.

Don't place tracking signal
You will eventually fail the quest, and Sophia will question your loyalty. This option seems like the worst one since the ending revolves around Phineas or Sophia, pick one.

Signal Point In Space Choices

Adjutant Akande will give you another mission to shut down illegal broadcasts on . When you bring it up to Hiriam, he will try to work with the board.

You are laying it on thick
He will ask if this chip cartridge will change your mind? If you take the chips, you get like 250 or something super low. If you don't take the deal, you have to kill him.

Persuade 60
He will say that he is happy to help the Board, and you get bonus exp.

Intimidate 60
He will say no need to go overboard, he will help out the Board.

Think I'd rather shut it down
Similar to the first choice, accept his bribe or kill him.

Skip The Hope

You will be tasked with choosing where to Skip the Hope too.

Skip the Hope to Terra 2
This option has you losing rep with The Board, it also means you are going against them. You will then have to go to Phineas' Lab and help him out. If you warned him about the signal he will be ready, if not he will be hit hard. Either way you will be going to Tartarus after you finish up at Phineas' hideout.

Skip the Hope to Tatarus
This is what The Board wants you to do. You will gain some rep with The Board, but a riot will break out and Sophia will be taken hostage. They will need your help to get her back.

Point Of No Return Tatarus - The Board Ally

When you arrive at Tatarus you will have a couple choices on how to proceed. You can either sneak in with a prisoner ID or convince the troops to help you fight your way through.

Rally to me and we'll bust through
You will need persuade 35 or intimidate 35 to convince the troops to fight with you. If not, you have to fight your way through alone or sneak in. The other factions that you aided throughout your journey will come to your side as you progress through the prison as well. They won't take elevators with you, but basically each floor has a faction that helps out if you helped them all out.

Prisoner's Biometric ID
You will need 86 persuade, 86 lie, or 86 intimidate to get the ID. You can use it to run past the prisoners, some of your ally factions will still bust in to kill the prisoners. You can use them as a distraction or help them out.

When you get to the exit of The Pit, you will speak with Phineas. You can try to convince him to spare Sophia, who he is holding hostage.

Lie 100
Phineas will say you had a choice, you chose the Board. He will talk crap about the Board and you say it would have happened either way. From there you get some of the same choices you get for the other options. A 100 persuade or 90 intimidate/handgun decision will pop up. He won't surrender, even if you tell him they will go easier on him if he does. From there you will need either 100 Intimidate or 90 Persuade/Medical. He will say all he wanted was for you to help him, but it is too late now. Phineas will off himself, but you don't have to fight the Warden robot.

I'm the only one who lived
He will admit that he killed plenty of people and experimented on others. You can then either use Medicine 55 or Science 55 on him.

If you use medicine, he will say that they were not patients, just husks. You can tell him he needs help, but this leads to 100 persuade or 90 intimidate/handgun decision. He won't surrender, even if you tell him they will go easier on him if he does. From there you will need either 100 Intimidate or 90 Persuade/Medical. He will say all he wanted was for you to help him, but it is too late now. Phineas will off himself, but you don't have to fight the Warden robot.

I guess we're done here
He will say I guess we are and program the Warden to attack you. You will have to go downstairs and do a boss fight. Be careful, the boss spawns robot enemies to help himself out. Phineas will shoot you on sight, kill him to get the keycard for Sophia's cell.

At the end you will have three choices on how to proceed to the ending.

From now on, I'm running the show
Sophia will support your decision and put your in charge of the colony. You will run all of Halycon and make sure the colony survives. It is the end of the game though, so you don't really do anything.

I want the program to run properly
Sophia will be pleased that you are going to help her. The two of you ensured that the lifetime employment program ran smoothly. You keep the Board honest, and let the Board's scientists work without worrying about bureaucracy.

I want to kick my feet up
Sophia will say you will be the wealthiest citizen in Byzantium. You live the rest of your days in luxury on Byzantium.

Point Of No Return Tatarus - Phineas Ally

After you skip The Hope to Terra 2, you will need to go to Tartarus to deal with the Board. When you get there, the docking guards will give you a ticket.

Persuade 86
All of these choices get you the Biometric ID, allowing you to sneak around easier.

Lie 86
All of these choices get you the Biometric ID, allowing you to sneak around easier.

Intimidate 86
All of these choices get you the Biometric ID, allowing you to sneak around easier.

Why bother with the ticket?
You will have to fight your way through the Tartarus.

You're just going to kill me?
He says they are on lock down so yes. When you get off the ship, expect a fight.

Point Of No Return Tatarus - Sophia Akande

When you get to the end of Tatrus, you will deal with Sophia. Ask her to talk about this and you will get some key choices. If you tell her you are going to force your way through then you will have to fight the Robot Warden.

Persuade 100
She will say it is interesting that you think she is going to die. The choices will be the same as if you told her you destroyed her experiments.

Intimidate 90/Heavy Weapons 60/Two Handed Melee 60
I didn't have the skill for this choice.

I destroyed your experiments
You will needed to take 100% of the Dimethyl Sulfoxide to do this choice. From there you get some other choices.

Science/Hack/Engineering 60 will tell her that the experiment has already failed and she is wrong. If you have high enough perception you will be able to see through her lies. Any of the other choices will also get her to figure out your are right. With lie 100 you can convince her that Chairman Rockwell has betrayed her as well. From there you need either 100 intimidate or 90 Lie/90 Hack to convince her to stand down. If not you will have to fight the Robot Warden and then her.

If you tell her that her research is wrong, she will say that she trusts her scientists over Welles. The next choice will make her realize you are telling the truth, but she still controls the security system. You will need 100 intimidate or 90 Lie/90 Hack to avoid the robot boss fight.

If you choose to say enough talk and to settle this, you face the Robot warden down below and then rescue Phineas.

Let's get this over with
You will have to face off with the Robot Warden boss and then kill Sophia.

After all is said and done and you rescue Phineas, you need to choose how your character lives out the rest of his days.

With the Chairman in my pocket, no one will know I am running the Colony
Phineas will trust your judgement. You will be the true power behind Halcyon from the shadows.

I'll run the Colony myself
You will run the Colony for the rest of your life. The game also says that you have people to deal with politics and bureaucracy.

I'll help you revive the colonists
After Welles passed away, you continue his research.

I'm going to do what I've always done: whatever I want, all the time
You will live the rest of your days doing what you want.

The Outer Worlds Side Quest Choices And Consequences Guide

A Few Kindred Spirits Choice

When trying to convince Zoe to return.

You will get exp and she will disagree that she is missed. Now you have new choices about Stefan.

I need you to clarify something for me
She will explain how she has been operating in this Marauder camp, but you can't get her to go home this way.

Stefan choices.
What About Stefan?
She will say that you are right and return home.

Stefan is planning a surprise
She will say why didn't you say so earlier and return home.

When you return to Grace
She joined up with a band of Marauders
You will complete the quest and get your reward. Both options increase your rep with the deserters.

Something about being an outlaw
Grace will pay you for your trouble and you'll complete the quest and get your exp.

A Small Grave Matter

When speaking with Conrad about hit debt you will get four choices. All of them lead to the same result, you telling him to give Silas an IOU. He will then need help finding something he can offer as collateral. Go into the back and read the letter near the dead corpse.

Tell Conrad to use Eugene's Gold Teeth
The only way Conrad can pay is by using the teeth. He will be resistant to the idea at first, but eventually accepts it. He says he will tell Silas to dig up the corpse and take the teeth. Thing is, the corpse isn't in the graveyard. You can find the teeth in the Botanical Garden area of the map. Go to the back of the garden building itself and look for a sign on the wall that says "only you." There is a little plate on the counter near there with the golden teeth inside. Grab them and return them to Conrad so he can pay his debt. You can be a wise guy and say they dropped out of Silas' pocket if you want, but he still uses them to pay his debt.

Sell The Teeth To Silas
You can also sell the teeth to Silas for a quick 300 cash.

Phyllis will just pay her debts and give you info on how the town really operates.

Martin Abernathy
Martin thinks he is dying and pays his fees after talking with you. He will ask for your help with a quest after though.

Esther Blaine
After speaking with Abernathy, Esther will talk to you and ask you to sell the medicine to her. Esther tells you that she can't get medicine from corporate, so she is asking you to help out.

Who who gets the medicine
Both of them will reward you with Bits for your trouble. Abernathy will give you 500 and you can persuade or intimidate him for 300 more after. The way he uses it makes him seem like a drug addict to be honest.

Esther will reward you with 700 bits and The Board reputation. You can intimidate or charm her for an extra 300, making her the more profitable choice.

Tell him that you are here for his fees and he will pay you. Incidentally you also sign up Silas to the resistance. He also has a side quest for you to take if you want it.

When you return to Silas you can rat out Martin for being sick if you want. It doesn't seem to do anything but the option is there. You can also persuade him for some extra bits if your skill is high enough.

Die Robot Choice

You will need to bring Parvati with you to fix the robot. That or have 65 in the engineering skill.

Fix Robot
The robot will change its course and go to the nearest repair area. You don't get a reward or anything like that, but Parvati seems happy. When you return to Ludwig the quest continues like normal and you have to get his secret stash. The robot will appear later in the story to help you in a fight

Kill Robot
If you kill the robot and return to Ludwig, he will tell you where his secret weapon is stashed. Your reward will be a shock stick (electric one handed melee weapon) and 500 bits. He will give you another part of the quest after you get the password from Mr Reed. It is story related so you can't miss the password.

The Doom At Roseway (Deal With The Raptidons)

During this side quest you can either kill the Raptidons or gas them. If you want to gas them you need to locate 3 gas canisters.

First Canister
First Canister
Near the Vending Machine

Second Canister
Second Canister
Near the ramp that leads down to the queen

Third Canister
Third Canister
Inside the room with the queen, on the opposite side to where you come in.

Once you have all three, one end of the room has a computer terminal, the other slots for three canisters. Sneak to the slots, place the canisters, then sneak to the terminal to vent the gas.

Kill The Raptidons
I also killed the Raptidons one to see what would happen. You get the exp and loot for killing them, but no one gets upset at you killing them. I believe I got a Raptidon shock stick from the matriarch, but it was pretty bleh stat wise.

Vulcans Hammer Choices

Orson will give you a side quest to find him some blueprints.

Intimidate/Persuade 45
You will lose Autie Cleo rep and earn 100 extra bits. Completing this quest will give you 1875 bits and the Ultimatum Weapon (Energy pistol with a size 15 clip).

Hand over Force schematics
Completing this quest will give you 1875 bits and the Ultimatum Weapon (Energy pistol with a size 15 clip) and more rep for Auntie Cleo.

Actually I will keep these
You will fail the Vulcan's Hammer quest and lose some Auntie Cleo rep. You can buy the pistol scraps off him for 100 bits, but it is much worse then the upgraded one you get for handing him the plans.

Sell to Gladys
Gladys will buy it for 1875 bits and you lose the schematics.

The Distress Signal Vahns Experiment Terminal Choices

In order to get the notes you need from Vahn's experiment, you will have to hack a terminal.

You will get two Raptidon Musk if you can do this one. If you have a 45 lie skill you can give on to Vaughn and one to Gladys and keep both parties happy. If you hand both over to Vaughn you still get 1875 and Auntie Cleo rep up.

If you give the Musk to Gladys then you will be rewarded with 1875 bits and fail The Amateur Alchemist side quest. You best option is to lie and give one to each.

Complete Experiment
You will get Vaugh's Research and acquire the Raptidon Musk. You can trade this to Vaughn or sell it to Gladys.

If you trade it to Vaughn, you get the quest exp and Auntie Cleo rep. He will reward you with 1875 bits when you finish the conversation with him.

If you trade it to Gladys, she will pay you 1875 and you will fail The Amateur Alchemist side quest.

Emergency Sample Purge
This will remove all traces of the experiment and you won't be able to turn in to Gladys. If you return to Vaughn you can tell him what happened. If you tell him you blew it up he will ask you why? Pick a reason and he will not speak to you again, no reward either.

If you lie, you will get bonus exp and quest reward exp. You will lose some Aunt Cleo rep as well.

Doom That Came To Roseway Antons Experiment Choices

When you run into a woman named Cassandra, she will tell you she has Anton's Research.

Kill Cassandra
She is literally in a cage so killing her isn't difficult. Loot her through the bars and return to Porter. He will tell you that a reward is waiting for your in Roseway.

Give Anton His Research
You will get a large amount of Exp for completing the quest and your rep with Auntie Cleo will go up considerably. You will also gain 3750 bits and some research scrubs as a reward. You can also turn in the other two who were doing experiments, but I didn't see any reward or change from that.

Lie to Anton about his research
You will complete the quest and get the exp you would normally get. You do not get any bits or any rep for Auntie Cleo with this choice.

Sell Anton's Research to Gladys
You can sell Anton's Research to Gladys for 3750 bits. If you have 40 Lie and 25 Science, you can convince her that it is rocket fuel. You will get bonus exp and still get paid 3750.

Help Cassandra
If you choose to help Cassandra, you will need to get her a way out and get the keycard to her door. The only way to get through the front peacefully is with 45 persuade.

Negotiate with Porter
Porter has the keycard, so you need to speak with him or kill him. The first three choices don't matter, they all lead to the same spot.

Persuade (45)
He will agree that there isn't any good solution and leave. He will give you his keycard to free Cassandra before going though. You will see him get chewed out by Anton later, but he is alive.

Let them leave
Porter will tell you to leave, but he considers you a enemy now. If you are looking to free Cassandra you need his keycard. You might have to kill him if you can't pick pocket him.

You have to kill the security forces and you lose a ton of Auntie Cleo rep.

Getting the research from Cassandra
After you get the keycard to her cell, open it up and talk to her. Tell her you cleared a path and ask for the research. In order to get it you will need either 30 lie, 51 intimidate, or 21 persuasion. From there tell her that you didn't save her for free and get 1250 bits. Persuade or intimidate her to get an extra 625 bits and some bonus exp. Now you need to choose who gets the research.

Give Anton His Research
You will get a large amount of Exp for completing the quest and your rep with Auntie Cleo will go up considerably. You will also gain 3750 bits and some research scrubs as a reward. You can also turn in the other two who were doing experiments, but I didn't see any reward or change from that.

Lie to Anton about his research
You will complete the quest and get the exp you would normally get. You do not get any bits or any rep for Auntie Cleo with this choice.

Sell Anton's Research to Gladys
You can sell Anton's Research to Gladys for 3750 bits. If you have 40 Lie and 25 Science, you can convince her that it is rocket fuel. You will get bonus exp and still get paid 3750.

Work Contact

When you interact with the intercom near the door you will talk to Jessie.

She is worried about you
This will be enough to get her to come out.

You will get bonus exp for this option and she opens the door.

When you speak to Jessie after opening the door.
What did you do that got you in trouble?
She will go into detail about why she is in trouble. Basically, she took half a payment for a job but didn't finish it.

Ellie asked me to help you
She will ask you to speak to Udom Bedford for her.

She will panic and ask you to talk to Bedford for her. Either of the bottom options will progress the quest.

Speaking with Udom Beford

Pay off her debt
If you use this option you will have to pay 1918 bits. Jessie will pay you 1000 bits for a reward and you will gain Groundbreaker rep.

Persuade 20
You will basically sign her up to work for The Board. You will get some rep for The Board and you need to talk with Jessie again. Jessie will thank you and give you 1000 bits as a reward.

Happiness Is A Warm Spaceship Choices

When speaking with Captain Macredd.

You will get some bonus exp and the other options will pop up again.

You will get some bonus exp and the other two options will appear.

Junlei sent me
He will say that if you want the part you have to pay. You can either pay 616, lie (40) and get it for free, or attack.

Just passing through
He will say you can move around on the bottom floor. The item you are looking for is up on the second floor though. You'll have to sneak or destroy these guys to get to it.

If you don't want to talk and just want to kill them, this is your option. I didn't lose any rep but the fight was intense at first.

Best option is to persuade/intimidate for bonus exp, tell him Junlei sent you, lie for more exp, and grab the part. From there you can kill them all if you want, but this is how you get the bonus exp out of the conversation.

Drinking Sapphire Wine Choices

This is a quest you get from Parvati. She wants you to introduce her to Junlei on the Groundbreaker. After you make introductions there will be a couple choices.

No need to be so formal
Parvati will say it is a force of habit and Junlei will be happy to chat with Parvati.

Don't be shy about requesting time off
Parvati will stutter a bit but she will agree to meet with Junlei in person. She will be a little more awkward as well but after the mission will be complete.

Nudge Parvati
Parvati will stumble a bit, but Junlei agrees that they can meet up and exchange notes.

Say nothing
Junlei will respond positively.

Whisper Nice job
Parvati will thank you for your help.

Passion Pills Choices

When you speak to Abigail about the pill, you will have a choice on what to answer.

She will say you aren't a resident and can't have one.

It's for Nyoka
She will say that Nyoka needs to contribute for more pills. If you ask how you can increase her allotment, Abi will say the terminal upstairs is where that info is held. You will get a couple of other options from this.

You'll have to pry that secret from my sweet little cheeks
She will be happy and you can ask her to show you a thing or two. It leads back to who the Caffenoid is for.

That's private
She will say there is no keeping secrets from Auntie. You can then bribe her with a persuade of 55 for 2700 bits. The other two options return you to who is the pill for.

After saying the pill is for Nyoka.
She will give you an extra key to the supply room, where you can find some pills.

Where can I find Williams?
She will say he is dead. You can go search his body in the graveyard from clues.

She will give you a dose but she is disappointed in you.

Flowers For Sebastian Choices

This is a quest for setting up Celia and Sebastian on a date. When you ask Sebastian about a date he will think she is after a discount.

She doesn't want a discount
He won't believe you and say she wants cheaper prices. This will open up another option and the ability to lie. You can tell him she doesn't want his stuff, but he won't believe you.

He will say that she is nice and agree to date her.

He will think she might go to another vendor and agree to date her.

He will say that he can afford to take the risk and you will get the date for Celia.

The Grimm Tomorrow

Trying to work something out about Grimm's poster.

Intimidate (55)
She insults you and hand over the poster.

Persuade (35)
She will say she can help after you help her.

Bribe 600
You can buy the poster from her with this.

Herricks Handiwork

Convincing Caleb to go back to work.

Lie (55)
Caleb will go back to work to save Velma's job. You will get 625 bits for your trouble.

How long can you afford to miss work?
He will mention he has a stash and bring you back to the other options. If you steal his stash and return to tell him, he will go to work.

Any suggestions on how to put pressure on Velma?
He will mention that she has been blackmailed before. Ask him about it and you will have some dirt on Velma. He mentions she might be skimming form the top, but he has no proof. The proof is in the factory, upstairs on the terminal. You will need 55 hacking to get the message and proof you need. You can bring it up to Velma and intimidate her to get Caleb a raise.

Velma's threatening to replace you
He will say that he is calling her bluff.

The Commuter Choices

You get this mission after speaking to Graham. When you arrive at the gate you will be met by Niles.

What's going on here?
He will say they are fixing a leaking generator. Tell him you are supposed to meet someone inside. You can either attack or ask how long it will take, which brings you back to the main choices.

I need to get inside
He asks why he would let you in? You will either need 55 Lie or Persuade, or 100 intimidate to talk you way in. You can also bribe him for 2288 bits if you want to pay.

You will have to fight you way in, and you lose Sublight Salvage and Shipping rep.

After you deal with the squad, you have to choose which delivery to bring back.

She will give you food and medicine for the outpost. She also leaves, so everything in there is yours. Zora will be happy about this. This is an important choice to make if you want both factions to work together at the end.

Pay For The Printer Choices

You can do an optional objective here and send the team home before taking the printing press.

Send the team home
Speak with May near the objective and tell her you are here to send her home. She will send you to find a medic and get his kit. Bring the kit back to May and you will complete the optional objective and get bonus exp. When you return to Graham, you will get bonus rep for the Iconoclasts faction and a few extra bits. This is an important step in making peace between the factions of the planet.

Send the team in
They will ask you to find the medic first. You can use persuade 60, lie 60, or intimidate 60 to get them to go in right away. You can also just take the place yourself. If you send them in with you, you have to tell Zora you don't know if they made it. Doing this will result in her not siding with you at the end of the planet.

Errors Unseen Choices

This is a side quest you will get from Sanjar to speak with Catherine. If you have 100 in Lie you can see through her lie, but either way you need to go to the smugglers tunnel. Down in the tunnel you will meet with a man named Arthur. With medicine of 40 you can check out his wounds and help him out. Ask him about the missing couriers to get the info you need. Ask him where the Marauders are and make your way to kill them. Check the terminal upstairs to get the info you need. Return to Sanjar and you will get some choices.

Give him the UDL data
You complete the quest.

Not so fast
He will say he is planning to reorganize the board. After that, the other choices pop up.

He will explain and the other choices will pop up.

That's just what I call my left nut
He will say that sounds complicated and after you HAVE to give him the data.

Maybe I don't…
He will ask where it is? Then you can either give him the data or say it isn't so fun having someone jerk your chain, is it? Either choice results in your giving him the Data.

Stainless Steel Rat Choices

When you get to the end of the quest you will have some choices.

Intimidate 55
If you use this you will either have to intimidate them again to get them to leave, or attack them and lose Sublight.

I found your Tossball stick
You only get this option if you find the tossball stick. You have to get it before speaking with Elijah.

The Stainless Steel Rat

He will say that was supposed to be shipped out and ask what do you suggest. From there you can either intimidate 35 to get them to leave, kill them, or tell them they are finished. Either way they leave or get killed. If you kill them you lose Sublight rep.

Let's forget this ever happened
They will attack you and lose you lose

You kill the enemies and lose Sublight Salvage and shipping rep.

A Family Matter

When you find Tucker you have some choices. When you tell him that his mother is looking for him you have a couple of options.

Persuade 55
He will go back to his mother. You can choose to have him teach her about the Iconoclasts or have him tell her about his skills. When you return they will be chatting and you can get your reward.

Intimidate 35
He will go back home and you get bonus exp for "convincing" him to return. You can then get paid from the mother and you earn Monarch Stellar Rep. After you can tell Tucker to leave or just leave yourself. If you want to send Tucker back at this point without risking rep or bits.

What do you want to do about it?
He won't know what to do. Then he will suggest that he fake his own death. He will give you his ring to bring back to his mother. You can then lie to the mother and tell her that Tucker died, or tell her that Trucked wanted you to tell her that he is dead. If you lie she will believe you and you finish the quest. If you tell her about Tucker, she will say she needs to think about it and you complete the quest.

You're going back
He says that is not happening. You can go back to the other options or attack him to prove he is dead. Bring the ring back to his mother to complete the quest.

Little Memento

When you return to Ashe you will get some choices. When he asks about the box of memories.

I found a list of agents
You have to find the list of agents on the table in the quest room to get this option. You find out that Ash left them to die out there. Any options here will complete the quest and get your extra bits and Iconoclasts rep.

Here you go
You will complete the quest and get paid.

I'm lucky to be alive
You finish the quest and get paid.

Spratkings choices

When you return to Nelson you will get some choices.

You want the good or bad news?
He will say that Sprats can be replaced and ask for the drugs. He will claim that there is only half there and accuse you of stealing. He will then send you off to find the other five Sprats.

Lie 50
You keep the drugs and complete the quest.

Speaking with Bertrand about his Sprats. You will have to use persuade (20), medicine (30), or attack him to get the drugs.

Persuade 20
He will allow you to dig through the droppings for drugs.

Medical 30
He will allow you to dig through the droppings for drugs.

You kill him and take the drugs.

Return the drugs to Nelson for Sparklight rep and some cash.

Slaughterhouse Clive choices

When you get to Clive you will get some choices. Before you attack him you can try to bargain with him.

Sublight sent me
He will offer you a lifetime supply of Boarst if you kill Catherine. If you try to convince him to work with Catherine, you need 55 medicine to prove you know what the pigs are eating.

You will lose S&B Boarst Factory rep and you can return to Catherine to complete the quest.

When you return to Catherine to tell her about Clive and her working together, she will say she doesn't need him if she has the factory. You can then persuade 50, or lie 100 to convince her to work with him. After that you will have another persuade or lie choice to pick to wrap up the quest.

What if I Give Back All the Research the Outer Worlds

Source: https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/the-outer-worlds-choices-and-consequences-guide/

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